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The e-Learning Academy (eLA) is established with the specific mandate to drive and support the implementation of blended learning at Taylor’s Lakeside Campus. The name ‘academy’ reflects its core purpose as the unit which promotes ‘learning how to teach with technology’. eLA’s aims to assist our lecturers in integrating the use of technology into teaching and learning effectively, empowering students in their learning and preparing them with skills required for the 21st Century.


Harmonising Technology with Learning Goals

Explore how the seamless integration of technology into educational curricula aligns with learning objectives, fostering a dynamic and effective learning environment.

Enhancing Staff Proficiency in Blended Learning

Discover how the expansion of staff skills in utilising blended learning methods enriches the educational experience.

Cultivating Sustainable E-Learning Governance

Explore the strategies and practices behind creating a robust governance framework that propels and maintains the momentum of e-learning initiatives for long-term success.

Expanding the University's Quality Assurance for Blended Learning

Uncover the innovative strategies employed to extend the University's quality assurance framework, ensuring the seamless integration of blended learning while maintaining educational excellence and standards.

Building Robust Infrastructure and Timely Support Services

Establish dependable infrastructure and responsive support services is for creating a conducive environment for academic and technological success.

Creating Optimal Learning Environments

Improving the learning experience by offering optimal learning environments, fostering an atmosphere conducive to effective teaching and learning.

At Taylor’s Lakeside Campus, the term ‘blended learning’ is adopted as a principal means of addressing the use of technology combined with the best features of face to face interaction to enhance its learning and teaching activities. Since its establishment in 2011, eLA has been aggressive in driving ambitious journey to re-define student learning for better academic outcomes. Various research supported e-Learning initiatives such myTIMeS, ReWIND Lecture Capture, X-Space Collaborative Classroom and Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) have been implemented to provide a unique learning experience for Taylor’s students.

Collaborate and engage with peers in X-Space, conduct self-directed and personalised learning through ReWIND, or learn anytime and anywhere through an interactive autonomous environment, myTIMeS. At Taylor's, we have a variety of state-of-art technology that will facilitate your diverse learning experience.



QS-Wharton Reimagine Education Awards (Science of Learning Award category)

Screenshot showing the certificate for QS-Wharton Reimagine Education Awards

Dr Douglas Tong & Team

School of Engineering


The IMPACT model: Imparting transformation through industry-linked multidisciplinary projects

Anugerah Khas YB Menteri Pendidikan Rekabentuk Kurikulum dan Penyampaian Inovatif (AKRI 2022)

Group photos for Anugerah Khas YB Menteri Pendidikan Rekabentuk Kurikulum dan Penyampaian Inovatif (AKRI 2022)

Immersive Learning (Fully Online) – 1st Place


Mike Choong Wai Keng, Taylor's Design School  

Multidisciplinary Collaborative Design Thinking with VRLE



Transformative Teaching - 3rd Place 


Assoc Prof Dr Adeline Chia Yoke Yin & Team, School of Biosciences

Redesigning Biomedical Science Practicum towards a New Frontier



Innovative Programme – 3rd Place


Tee Wee Jing & Prof Azween Abdullah, School of Computer Science

Transdisciplinary Degree Pathway Innovation – Bachelor of Computer Science

IUCEL (International University Carnival on e-Learning) 2022

Group photos for International University Carnival on e-Learning

Best Trend Setter Award (Individual)

Serit Banyan, School of Liberal Arts and Science

Digitalizing the Teaching of Mata Pelajaran Umum Through Innovative Pedagogy



Outstanding e-Learning Mobile Apps Award

Puteri Sofia Amirnuddin, Taylor's Law School

Mike Choong Wai Keng and Razif Mohamed, Taylor's Design School




Best E-Learning Facilitator Award (Individual) 

Dr. Charles Sharma Naidu, Taylor's Design School

The Online Gamified Classroom Approach



Outstanding Open Education Resources (OER) Award

Ms. Nurhanim Hassan, Centre for Future Learning

Dr Phelim, Dr Yap Wei Hsum, Dr Renuka Sellapan & Dr Enna Ayub

Sharing of Reusable Learning Objects (RLOS) to Digitise Healthcare Curriculum

IIDEL, Gold Recipients Award

Dr Myzatul Aishah Hj Kamarazaly & Team, School of Architecture, Building and Design

MGUIDE (AR-Tool for Measurement Education)



Khairool Aizat Ahmad Jamal & Team, School of Architecture, Building and Design

Role Of Virtualization to Influence Iterative Design Learning In Architecture Module



Mike Choong Wai Keng, Taylor's Design School

Design Thinking Multidisciplinary Collaboration In A Virtual Reality Learning Environment.



Mohd Asrizal Bin Razali & Team, Taylor's Design School & eLA

Immersive Intercultural Experience for Graphic Communication Studies Through Virtual Reality



Dr Goh Wei Wei & Team, School of Computer Science & Taylor's Design School

Creating A Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) Using the EngageVR Platform to Create An Immersive Online Presence



Ts Lim Eng Lye & Team, Taylor's College & School of Computer Science

Student's Attention Deficits Monitoring and Profiling System Using Electroencephalography and Machine Learning Approaches

Dr Sia Chin Chin & Team, Taylor's Law School , Taylor's Business School & School of Computer Science

Closing The Gap Through Multidisciplinary Experiential E-Learning Among Law, Computing and Business Students in Fake News Detection in Times of Covid-19



Puteri Sofia Amirnuddin, Taylor's Law School

Personalizing Virtual Learning for Law Students Through Interactive Video Branching in A Post Pandemic World



Dr Vinothini Vasodavan, School of Education

Teaching Online Made Easy: The 3es (Effective, Engaging & Efficient) With Collaborative Learning Tools Module



Dr Wong Yau Hsiung, School of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Transforming Educational Video into An Interactive, Immersive, Personalised and Gamified Experiences



Dr Lai Zee Wei & Team, School of Biosciences

Integrating Global Classroom in Bioprocess Technology: A Virtual Extended Reality Learning Experience Between Taylor's University Malaysia and MFL University Thailand



Zaim Azizi Abu Bakar &Team, School of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Value-Based Education in Mpu4 Social Innovation Project

Dr G. Manickam Govindaraju, School of Media and Communication

Youths Involvement in Agriculture Through the Lens Of ‘Youngriculture’ Campaign



AP Dr Lim Chee Leong, Centre for Future Learning

Innovating Technology Rich Hybrid-Ready Learning Spaces for Better Engagement



Delicia Ng Ly-Ann & Team, Centre for Future Learning

Embedding A Clinical Tool in Students’ Learning and Assessment: REBT



Naveen Raman & Team, Centre for Future Learning

Taylor's Graduate Capabilities Student Project: Equipping First Year First Semester Students with Employability Capabilities

eConDev 2022

Special Award

Dr Wong Yau Hsiung, SLAS

Pitching Category – Gold, Interactive Storytelling with Gamified Virtual Reality (VR)

Noranis Ismail & Kannan Vijayan, TDS

Pitching Category – Silver, Project Title: Playful Experiential Learning with Video Games: Playing Among Us and Goose Duck to Improve Conceptual Design Skills

Gold Awards

Dr Filzani Illia (School of Architecture, Building and Design) & Team (Pitching)

Enhanced 5E Framework for ARC62404 Design Communication



Dr Wong Yau Hsiung (School of Liberal Arts and Sciences)

Interactive Storytelling with Gamified Virtual Reality (VR)

Dr Vinothini Vasodavan (School of Education & Faculty of Social Sciences and Leisure Management))

Collaborative TPACK: A Module for Innovative Pedagogies and Powerful Learning



Dr Prabal Bhargava (School of Medicine & Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences); Mohd Radzy Omar (eLA, Centre for Future Learning)

Building a compendium of OERs for clinical training in Ophthalmology

Siti Noor Amyah Khasbullah (School of Liberal Arts and Sciences) & Team

Cultivating International Ideals on Falsafah dan Isu Semasa through Blended Learning using TIMES



Noranis Ismail & Kannan Vijayan (Taylor's Design School)

Playful experiential learning with video games: Playing Among Us and Goose Goose Duck to improve conceptual design skills



eConDev 2021

Special Award (Most Active MOOC)

AP Dr Saeed Pahlevan Sharif & Team, Taylor's Business School

Systematic Literature Review for All: A Cool MOOC

Gold Awards

Dr Priya Madhavan & Team, School of Medicine

Microbiology Laboratory Practical at Your Fingertips



AP Dr Saeed Pahlevan Sharif & Team, Taylor's Business School

Systematic Literature Review for All: A Cool MOOC



Dr Neo Yun Ping & Team, School of Biosciences

Computer-Supported Inquiry Learning (COSIL) Environment to Teach Food Science: Transferring Skills Beyond the Lab

Zaim Azizi Abu Bakar & Team, School of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Value-Based Education in MPU 4 Social Innovation Project



Fadhilah Raihan Lokman & Team, School of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Cultivate and Nurture Empathy-Ready Mindset through Value-Based Education



Dr Ambikai S Thuraisingam & Team, Taylor's Law School

Strengthening Immersive Virtual Learning with ClassPoint

Dr Yap Wei Hsum & Team, School of Biosciences

Integrating Entrepreneurism through Innovative Curriculum Constructive Alignment: A Biotechnology Program Case Study



Dr Norzaini Zainal Abidan & Team, School of Architecture, Building and Design

Flipped Classroom to Engage Project-based Design in Energy Module



AP Ts. Dr Chockalingam Aravind Vaithilingam & Team, School of Education

CODE: The New Normal Design Thinking Framework

IUCEL (International University Carnival on e-Learning) 2021

Best Trend-Setter Award

Serit Banyan (School of Liberal Arts and Sciences)

Digitalising the Teaching of Mata Pelajaran Umum through Innovative Pedagogy



Best e-Learning Facilitator Award

Dr Charles Sharma Naidu (Taylor's Design School)

The Online Gamified Classroom Approach

Outstanding e-Learning Mobile Apps Award (Project)

Ms Puteri Sofia Amirnuddin & Team (Taylor's Law School and Taylor's Design School), LawleyPop App



Outstanding Open Educational Resources (OER) Award

Nurhanim Hassan & Team (Centre for Future Learning, School of Biosciences, School of Pharmacy)

Sharing of Reusable Learning Objects (RLOs) to Digitise Healthcare Curriculum

Innovation Competition and Exhibition (InCEx’21)

Best Product Awards (Teaching and Learning)

Dr Chockalingam Aravind Vaithilingam & Team, School of Computer Science and Engineering

RLx New Normal Pedagogy

Gold Awards

Dr Wong Yau Hsiung, School of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Engaging Students in Distance Learning of Chemistry with Periodic Table of Pandemic Pedagogy (PPP)



Dr Chockalingam Aravind Vaithilingam & Team, School of Computer Science and Engineering

RLx New Normal Pedagogy

Ms Tasha Thamalagha & Team, Student Development

Tracking Student’s Co-Curricular Activities through Digitalised Innovative Learning Solution



Dr Myzatul Aishah Kamarazaly & Team, School of Architecture, Building and Design

Augmented Reality as an Educational Tool in Quantity Take Off



Anugerah Khas YB Menteri Pendidikan Rekabentuk Kurikulum dan Penyampaian Inovatif (AKRI 2019)

Screenshot showing the Anugerah Khas YB Menteri Pendidikan Rekabentuk Kurikulum dan Penyampaian Inovatif

Immersive Learning (Fully Online) – 1st Place

Bringing Pengajian Malaysia 3 Module into the 21st Century in a Virtual Classroom for Education 4.0



Immersive Learning (Blended) – 3rd Place

Transforming Architecture Students’ Online Learning Experience through Enhanced 5E Framework.

IUCEL (International University Carnival on e-Learning) 2019

Screenshot showing the IUCEL (International University Carnival on e-Learning) 2019

Outstanding e-Learning Product or Project Award

Taylor’s University for the project Re-Designing Classroom Learning to Participatory Online Course for U1 Modules



IIDEL Gold Award

Sustaining Academic Excellence with Micro-Credentials and Digital Badges.



IIDEL Gold Award

Triple E Framework: Enhancing Learning Experience through H5P Applications

National e-Content Development Competition 2019 (eConDev 2019)

Screenshot showing the National e-Content Development Competition 2019

Gold Medal Recipients & BEST MOOC (Social Science and Humanities) Award

Peer Assessment: Using Workshop as an Innovative Tool for Students' Lifelong Learning in Pengajian Malaysia 2



Anugerah Khas YB Menteri Pendidikan Rekabentuk Kurikulum dan Penyampaian Inovatif (AKRI 2018)

Screenshot showing the Anugerah Khas YB Menteri Pendidikan Rekabentuk Kurikulum dan Penyampaian Inovatif

Transformative Teaching (Alternative Assessment) – 3rd Place

Micro-credentials and Digital Badges: Evidence-Based Achievement Beyond Assessments

IUCEL (International University Carnival on e-Learning) 2018

Screenshot showing the IUCEL (International University Carnival on e-Learning) 2018

Gold Award

Re-Designing and Transforming Formal Learning Classrooms through Mobile X-Space



Silver Award

Transforming Online Learning Beyond the Digital Data: Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) in Business Presentation for Beginners



Silver Award

SCORM: A Real-World e-Learning Activity for Self-Assessment

National e-Content Development Competition 2018 (eConDev 2018)

Screenshot showing the National e-Content Development Competition 2018

Gold Medal

Massive Online Courses as Credit Transfer (MOOC)



Gold Medal

Recognition, Assessment and Management of Pain (RAMP)



Gold Medal

MOOC on Ethnic Relations for Self – Directed Learning