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Join us for Taylor's Open Day from 15, 16, 22, and 23 March 2025 Register Now

Taylor's not only offer semester exchange programmes but also a number of planned transfer and articulation pathways for our students who wish to complete their studies elsewhere in the world.


As an internationally connected university, we not only offer semester exchange programmes but also a number of planned transfer and articulation pathways for students who wish to complete their studies elsewhere in the world. Taylor’s University articulation partners comprise of highly ranked and globally well-known universities in countries such as the UK, USA, Australia and New Zealand. Our close relationships allow students to maximise the amount of credit/advanced standing/recognition of prior learning that they can be offered by these different institutions.

Our American Degree Transfer Program (ADP), which is based within the School of Liberal Arts & Sciences, was developed to allow students to take the majority of their US general education classes in Malaysia. Given that all ADP students will transfer overseas, we have also signed a number of planned articulation pathways with leading US institutions (as well as with some institutions in other countries such as Canada and Australia). In addition, we also have an extensive number of credit transfer precedents with other US institutions that have been established over many years.

Each School’s transfer and articulation partners are listed given below. Details of each articulation/transfer will change over time, and are also dependent on the specific course being studied at Taylor’s University and the transfer/articulating partner institution. Please consult the relevant School Office on the specific details of each arrangement, and the amount of credit/advanced standing that is awarded.


School of Architecture, Building And Design

School of Biosciences

Taylor's Business School

School of Food Studies and Gastronomy

School of Media and Communication

School of Computing Science

School of Engineering

The Design School at Taylor's

School of Hospitality, Tourism and Events

School of Law and Governance

School of Pharmacy

School of Liberal Arts and Sciences

For American Degree Transfers Programme (ADP)