05 March 2022
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
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Compared to 10 years ago, starting a business is easy! With the advent of the internet, social media, and hyper-connectivity, anyone of any age can start a business. Thus, the real challenge is "What Kind Of Business Should I Start?“
Join this session on Starting A Business Before Graduation with Dr Aly Alias Stephen Nah, where we will dive into the deep end. What kind of business should a college student start? Do we play to win? Or is there wisdom to play to lose?
Dr Aly was 23 years old when he graduated as a medical doctor, and by 26 he had to sell off 2 of the 3 private clinics he co-owned. The old saying that doctors make bad business people, is really a very old saying.
While it wasn’t easy, the journey to shift from being a typical doctor to a doctorpreneur took many years for Dr Aly, as there were not many other doctors whom he could rely on as a mentor. Aside from the medical aspect, Dr Aly love for business got him involved with a business networking group and he served 2 terms as the President, where he led a group of 80 business owners and entrepreneurs of different industries, which saw them double up their collective annual revenue.
Aside from that he also co-founded a small media startup company and co-hosts a weekly podcast called The 2 Docs, that speaks on contemporary issues and entrepreneurship