The Road to Entrepreneurship: Dr Lim Ing Kien

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12 Mar 2021

4 Min Read

Ming Yang, PR & COMMS Strategist


“30% of new ventures fail within the first year, 60% will not last longer than 5 years, and 90% of e-commerce ventures will fail within the first 4 months.” This scary yet true fact was the opening statement of Dr Lim Ing Kien when was invited by Dr Feranita during a guest-speaker session.


Hosted by BizPod, Taylor’s start-up incubator, the online session was organized to provide students with insights and real-life stories from start-up founders regarding entrepreneurship – how they started the business, how they endured through hardships and also key points on how to make it work.

Meet Dr Ingky: The Digital Skin Doctor

Dr Lim, better known as the Digital Skin Doctor, Dr Ingky; founded Skynfyx in 2020. Skynfyx is Malaysia’s first digital skin doctor. Besides Skynfyx, he also owns a chain of dermatology clinics in Klang Valley (Medii Skin Clinic, 2013). On top of being an entrepreneur of in the exclusive dermatology industry, Dr Ingky is also a content creator with more than an accumulative of 500,000 followers on major social media platforms. He also serves as an advisor for different companies, ranging from healthcare and skincare to tech start-ups.


During Dr Lim’s sharing session, he explained the three key questions individuals should ask themselves before the beginning of a new venture - why, how, and what. These 3 questions are not exclusive to beginning a new venture, but also applicable to all other areas of life.

  1. WHY - Why do you want to start this business? What problem will you be solving?
  2. HOW - How will your products be delivered to your customers? What is the legal framework?
  3. WHAT - What is your product/service? Is there customer demand?

The Power of Ideation

Dr Lim also emphasizes on the importance of keeping track of ideas. Writing down any ideas that come to mind on a notepad or smartphone will help you compile a list of potentially feasible ideas for future reference. It is essential for individuals to search for partners. Individuals with similar visions but different skills can only enhance your business experience as well as increase the success rate of the business.  


Lastly, he outlined that prior to product launch, product testing must take place. Any family member(s) or friend(s) associated with a business partner should not participate in the product testing, unless they are potential customers. You must always allow a wide variety of feedback to determine any further improvements to be made to the product.


To signal the end of his speech, Dr Lim shared the following quote for students to live by when they are starting a new venture: “Focus on leaving a legacy to inspire others. Never focus on money, fame, or glory”.

Nurturing the Next Generation

The success of Dr Ingky will help inspire many students who have dreams and hopes of being an established entrepreneur. This is where BizPod comes in. BizPod aims to help students proceed from their ideation stage to successfully establish a start-up business. By surrounding students with a holistic start-up ecosystem, BizPod serves as a guide to help them thrive in the startup community. BizPod also works across multiple faculties in the University to provide students with a multi-disciplinary learning experience. 

Portrait Photo for Dr Lim Ing Kien

Dr. Lim Ing Kien


Founder of Skynfyx 

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