Unusual Traits of an Entrepreneur: Dr Aly Alias

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21 Mar 2021

5 Min Read

Yusmani Yunus, Bizpod Incubator Executive


An Unexpected Take on Success

When Dr Aly was invited to speak at an online guest-speaker session organized by BizPod, he spoke about failure and being foolish – at a forum on how to build a successful entrepreneurial business. Why such a juxtaposing statement you may ask? Let’s read on.


Dr Aly is a doctor at the Hair Transplant Solutions (HTS) Malaysia. On top of being the co-founder for HTS, he is also an avid content creator with more than half a million followers as well as a regular speaker in conferences for hair health and hair aesthetics. Aside from the medical aspect, Dr Aly’s love for business got him involved with a business networking group and he served 2 terms as the President. He led a group of 80 business owners and entrepreneurs of different industries and eventually saw them double up their collective annual revenue.

Redefining Success for Entrepreneurs

“Unusual traits are very important for a person to be a successful entrepreneur.” Dr Aly believes that success in entrepreneurship is not just about your idea or your money. Plenty of people have interesting ideas or a lot of cash to throw around and they never quite manage to find success in their ventures. If we want to be an entrepreneur, take a step back and evaluate whether you have the following characteristics. And remember: if you do not have these traits now, you can develop them down the road to improve your chances of success.


  • Welcome FAILURE: Failure does not mean failing. We have to treat it as a stepping stone until we achieve what we want in the journey of entrepreneurial success.

  • Be "KIASU": We do not need to be afraid to lose. We have to work hard and fight for our dreams. We should fight fairly to gain success, at the same time always be graceful when you’re at a loss.

  • Be FOOLISH: Being foolish does not mean stupid. Before you jump into any business ideas, do your research, understand the process, learn the trade, and finally, (try to) make wise decisions. Do not try to take easy way towards success, because it will not turn out with the results that you want.

  • Do not try to be PERFECT: We do not have to be perfect all the time.
    Because, there is never a perfect moment to start a business. You must do your research on the business model before you decide to start running it.

  • Thinking OUT OF THE BOX: Thinking outside the box simply means that you are willing to consider different solutions and methods to reach your desired outcome. Thinking differently can have a powerful and positive effect on your entrepreneurial career.

  • 50 SHADES OF GREY: We do not live in a black and white world to take pleasure in the struggles of business. Nothing is black or white in the entrepreneurial journey. It is a continuum of various types of grey. Entrepreneurs are generally positive and supportive of one another. Uniformity in the industry will ultimately be beneficial to the economy, to businesses, and to individuals as a result of entrepreneurship.


Finally, Dr Aly shared the following quote for students to live by whenever they are looking  to start a new venture: “Do what you love, and you will no longer work a day in your life’’.

Portrait photo for Dr Aly

Dr. Aly bin Alias Stephen Nah


Co-Founder of Hair Transplant Solutions 

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