How to Get the Full University Experience

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26 May 2021

3 Min Read

Ali Moossajee (Guest Contributor)


Being a student leader is definitely worthwhile, but how and where do you begin?

Growing up in my own comfort zone, university experience was a turning point for my personal growth. Through the people I met and the clubs & societies I joined, the experiences and opportunities gained definitely made me the person I am today. 


We all come to university with a primary objective — to work hard academically and do our best to graduate and get our degrees. As much as I believe that graduating with a degree is the first step in being successful, university has shown to be so much more than just that. In my opinion, university life is about personal growth, developing yourself both professionally and academically, and most importantly enjoying your time as a student! 


You too can make the most out of your university life at Taylor’s by starting your journey towards becoming a student leader yourself! Here are some benefits and simple steps you can take:

Grow to Unlock Your Full Potential

When you’re choosing a club you want to join, you’re most likely to base your decision on something that interests you. I urge you to keep an open mind at the same time and venture into something that may be unconventional to you. This is the time to try out everything and anything while you still can!


As you get further involved in the activities in various types of clubs, your experience will undoubtedly teach you a wide range of skills which will assist you not only as a leader but throughout the different areas in your life. Who knows? This may even help you identify your strengths and build you to your full potential!

students having a meal together

Meet a Diverse Range of People

Part of joining any society, (and honestly this is one of the best parts), is that you’ll be able to build your connections from all walks of life! Plus, when becoming a student leader, you’ll get an added opportunity to meet a wider range of people from outside your club through organising and collaborating on different events. 


On some level, this ultimately gives you power to network with others. Why start networking now? Networking doesn’t only help you with unlocking other opportunities within university but also helps during your working life after graduation.

Get Support From Professionals

An extension to point 2, not only will you connect with your peers, you’re more than likely to connect with professionals around you too!


Being a student leader at Taylor’s gives you the opportunity to get support, be trained, and even mentored by so many of the professionals at Taylor’s such as Student Engagement And Leadership (SEAL) who provide support to the clubs at Taylor’s. Plus, the different departments at Taylor’s are often on the lookout to collaborate with students to work with them like Taylor’s Marketing Department who constantly provide opportunities for Taylorians to showcase their strengths and develop their skills in various ways.


Remember to be bold, brave, open, and ready to face the different people that will come your way!

Read more about my journey that led me to become a contributing writer.

lecturer teaching a student personally while another student uses a laptop

SHINE & Build Your Resume and Portfolio

With the various involvement in clubs and building your experience as a student leader, you’re going to have A LOT of advantage when building your resume and portfolio. Did you know that, at Taylor’s, there’s a way to leverage on all of these?


By participating in club events, taking on a role in a club, participating in competitions, and any other extra-curricular activities, you’ll be able to collect SHINE points through the SHINE Award — a programme that recognises your achievement in acquiring and applying holistic capabilities. 


It’s simple; the more you participate in extracurricular activities of your choice, you can collect more SHINE points to boost to achieving either the Platinum, Gold, or Silver SHINE awards. An added advantage in your portfolio and resume that will set you apart from the competition when you graduate and apply for a job!

Having the best university life is dependent on the experiences you set yourself out to get. So why not make it the best by joining the different clubs & societies available and starting your journey as a student leader!

Ali Moossajee is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Quantity Surveying (Hons) at Taylor's University. He is the President of the Taylor’s SHINE Ambassadors and Taylor’s Wine & Dine Club, a senior Taylor’s Global Ambassador, a Unibuddy Ambassador, and a permanent crew member with Need to Feed the Need.

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