The Road Not Taken: Navigating Work Motivations

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23 Jun 2023

6 Min Read

Esther Ng (Guest Contributor), Nellie Chan (Editor)


Discover how to navigate your work motivations and make choices that align with your values and goals. Traverse the road less travelled in your career!

Now that you've reached the end of your university journey, it's time for you to step into the world of work! But before you can decide on a direction (or, in this case, a career), you need to determine your work motivation!


Ahead of you are two roads diverged: one where you work solely to earn a living, and the other where you work with the fulfilment of pursuing your passion. For a fortunate few, working in a career that both inspires their passion and provides a comfortable income may become a reality. However, for the rest of us who are embarking on our professional journeys, attaining this balance may only be a distant dream.


So, it seems that no one can escape the ongoing debate between money and passion, a debate that is further fueled by the arguments put forth by those around us. On one side, parents and relatives advise us to be realistic, urging us to secure a stable job with a steady income. On the other side, friends or even strangers who recognise our talents encourage us to pursue our passion. As someone who has engaged in the same debate, let me lend a hand to those of you who are lost while navigating between the two. Allow me to break them down for you!

The Road of Money

Female employee working on her laptop in an office


  • Embracing financial security

Who doesn't love a well-paying job? In today's world, financial security is crucial for future preparedness, particularly when affording necessities (or luxuries) in our later years. Contrary to the saying, ‘money can't buy you happiness,’ research has shown that financial security can have a positive impact on both our mental and physical well-being.

  • Empowering lifestyle freedom

Having a higher disposable income offers you a greater range of lifestyle choices! While budgeting is still important, a high salary allows you to participate in activities, hobbies, and vacations that require some financial investment. This financial flexibility affords you the freedom to enjoy experiences that align with your personal interests and preferences.

  • Climbing the corporate ladder

High-paying jobs tend to demand specific skill sets and qualifications. By pursuing such a career, you thus position yourself in an environment that encourages continuous learning and professional development. This, in turn, opens up doors to a multitude of opportunities for career advancement.


  • Perpetuating the culture of overwork

In the early years, especially if you have chosen a career primarily driven by salary, you may find yourself sacrificing your work-life balance under the guise of success. These roles with their heavy workloads, long hours, and high-pressure environments can significantly impact your overall quality of life and cause physical and mental health issues, such as stress or worse, burnout.

  • Regretting your choice

Lingering feelings of regret can accompany a career that is chosen solely for its stable income. Spending a considerable portion of your time on tasks that lack passion can lead to a sense of dissatisfaction. Over time, you may come to the realisation that financial compensation alone cannot compensate for the lack of fulfilment in your work.

The Road of Passion

Male florist holding a potted plant in a florist's


  • Unlocking success

The saying, ‘Follow your passions and success will follow,’ may actually be true. A study conducted by Deloitte in 2014 revealed a direct correlation between passion and performance levels. Individuals driven by this intrinsic motivation tend to demonstrate a stronger inclination towards increased performance. When passion is present in your work, you become more resilient in responding to challenges and more prone to producing high-quality work. Your enthusiasm and dedication will shine through, catching the attention of higher-ups and later accelerating your career progression!

  • Shielding against stress

The workplace often fosters a culture entrenched in stress, with high expectations and time pressures as inevitable stress triggers. Consequently, this adversely affects mental health, leading to loss of focus and low performance. Therefore, the stronger your passion for your work, the more resilient you become in resisting the downward spiral of stress.

  • Maintaining well-being

Workplace well-being is less about monetary compensation for your work and more about your passion for it!


  • Compromising on passion

When we choose to pursue our passion as a career, it essentially becomes a source of income. Hence, there are instances where compromises must be made in expressing that passion to accommodate the demands or preferences of clients or the audience. The inability to express oneself freely can have a detrimental effect on one's sense of self and may even lead to a loss of passion. 

  • Coping with pressure

When we strongly identify with our passion and internalise it as part of our identity, the pressure to live (or work) up to our own expectations becomes even more pronounced. While many aspire to ascend to the top of the industry they are deeply passionate about, only a select few can endure the pressure that burdens such ambitions.

The Road Less Travelled

However, in the midst of the dichotomy between money and passion, there is a road less travelled called ikigai (‘reason for being’) or purpose. Purpose-driven careers centre around aligning your work with your core values, personal goals, and the desire to make a positive impact on society!

Female teacher conducting a lesson in a class


  • Nurturing sustainable motivation

Passions may ebb and flow, and money may lose its lustre, but a sense of purpose offers a more enduring form of motivation. When your work resonates with your core values and makes a meaningful contribution to a cause you care about, it generates a sustainable, self-driven motivation that steers your commitment and enthusiasm!

  • Cultivating authentic personal growth

Embarking on the road of purpose, you embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and gain a comprehensive understanding of your goals. This newfound self-awareness empowers you to lead an authentic life, both personally and professionally. Furthermore, it fuels a lifelong commitment to continuous learning and development, driving you to constantly expand your horizons.

  • Attaining fulfilling satisfaction

While money and passion can provide temporary moments of satisfaction, purpose-driven careers offer a deeper and perpetual sense of fulfilment. When your career aligns with your values and goals, it brings a sense of meaning and satisfaction even to the routine of meeting deadlines!

Where Do the Roads Lead?

Ultimately, in the landscape of careers, each of these roads (i.e., work motivations) presents its own unique opportunities and experiences. While the road of money may lead to financial abundance and the road of passion is paved with personal enthusiasm, it is the road of purpose that sets us on a profound and enriching journey. Purpose guides us along a path that transcends mere success – towards a destination where the work we do holds meaning, both for ourselves and for others.

Esther Ng is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Honours) at Taylor’s University. As a former president of the Taylor’s College Student Council, she discovered her love for writing as a means of stress relief during her term.

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