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The Taylor's University Human Ethics Committee (TUHEC) conducts ethical reviews for all research involving human participants, both funded and unfunded, in non-medical fields. TUHEC assesses various aspects of research ethics, including methodology, subject safety, recruitment, consent, confidentiality, data handling, and feedback provision.


Ethical approval is mandatory for all research involving people, their data, or tissue. The goal of ethics review is to support research aligned with key principles of human research ethics: research merit and integrity, justice, beneficence, and respect


Human Ethics approval for all research conducted with or about people, or their data. The purpose of ethics review is to facilitate research that fulfils the principles of human research ethics – research merit and integrity, justice, beneficence and respect.


Before commencing research, researchers (including undergraduate and postgraduate students) who wish to undertake projects involving human participants must obtain approval from the Human Research Ethics Committee. No research can take place without ethics clearance.

The Human Ethics Application Form can be downloaded directly as below or for TU Staffs, you may also download the TUHEC forms and policy directly through TU Connect by clicking here.


  1. All the application forms should be computer typed. Handwritten forms will not be accepted.
  2. Please make sure that your submission is complete the following check list:
    • Application Form
    • Project Information Sheet
    • Consent Form
    • Gantt/Flow Chart
    • Questionnaire/Interview Guide
  3. The application form must be signed by supervisor (for student application) – Part C(i)
  4. Applicants are required to submit a softcopy of PDF of their application to TUHEC email at
  5. Therefore, please arrange and save the completed forms according to the checklist above in ONE PDF file with name: “TUHEC_(your full name)_(School)” e.g TUHEC_Daniel_SOM
  6. Please make sure that your submission is complete prior to the checklist. TUEC will strictly reject and will not entertain any incomplete submissions.

FOR PG STUDENT: Please note It is important that all students discuss and review the application carefully with supervisors PRIOR to submitting it to TUHEC.


  1. Closing dates for application submission will be every 5th of the month and TUHEC will process once a month after the closing dates.
  2. Applicants are advised to submit their ethics clearance application as EARLY as possible (at least 3 months prior to their data collection)
  3. Please keep in mind that required amendments will require additional processing times.
  4. In the event we do not hear from applicant within the stipulated time given, we will assume applicant do not wish to proceed with the application.


Siti Ruhaida Rahim (Aida)
Human Ethics Secretary

Research and Enterprise, Level 2A, Block E,
Taylor’s University Lakeside Campus,
47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor