Retirement Reimagined: Navigating Entrepreneurship in Your Golden Years

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03 May 2024

5 Min Read

Associate Professor Dr Chong Wei Ying (Academic Columnist)


Are you looking forward to your retirement in a few years? Do you yearn for a life of leisure and disconnection from the hustle and bustle of the working world? The answer can vary; everyone's vision of their future differs. Not everyone desires or can afford to retire in their sixties, and the ways they save will be shaped by the twists and turns their lives take.

Redefining Retirement: A New Era of Opportunity

The word "retirement" conjures images of endless days of relaxation, hobbies pursued at leisure, and perhaps occasional travel. However, this traditional view of retirement is rapidly evolving.


Today, retirement is increasingly perceived not as an end but as a beginning—a phase of life during which individuals can leverage their decades of experience, skills honed over a lifetime, and a wealth of knowledge to contribute to society in meaningful ways. The appeal of entrepreneurship has never been greater to individuals, attracting those who desire greater autonomy, choices, and possibilities for unlimited growth in their golden years.

Businessman sitting on sofa

The reasons for this shift are manifold. For one, a longer lifespan has prompted individuals to redefine retirement. With the accumulated resources. such as financial savings and extensive professional networks, individuals might want to expand their activities to include continued work in some capacity, engaging in lifelong learning, pursuing new hobbies, or even starting new businesses after retirement. Additionally, the advent of the digital era has made access to information, resources, and networks easier than ever for individuals to start businesses from the comfort of their homes. 


Individuals are encouraged to remain engaged, mentally alert, and physically active during their retirement years. Launching a business can offer a renewed sense of purpose, providing a compelling reason to greet each morning with enthusiasm and a goal to work towards. It embodies the pursuit of continued growth, learning, and self-challenge.

The article was originally published on on 3 May 2024 under the title 'Retirement reimagined: Navigating entrepreneurship in your golden years'.

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