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Join us for Taylor's Open Day from 15, 16, 22, and 23 March 2025 Register Now

The Centre for Future Learning's Teaching and Educational Development (TED) department stands as an acclaimed entity dedicated to enhancing teaching excellence. This award-winning department actively collaborates with academic staff, fostering a culture of continuous improvement through practical strategies, ongoing development initiatives, and innovative approaches.




TED’s Academic Staff Development programmes focus on the following 7 dimensions: 

  • Subject/Knowledge Contextualisation
  • Supportive Learning Environments
  • Impact to Student Achievement & Learning outcomes
  • Provision of Appropriate Feedback
  • Use of Relevant Learning Technology
  • Attention to Affective Attributes
  • Use of Research to inform Teaching

Our commitment to high-quality, effective development has resulted in positive gains, towards supporting our lecturers in their journeys towards transformational teaching capability and learning engagement.


We have achieved several awards across diverse categories, as listed below:

  • Anugerah Akademik Negara (the highest award for a teaching staff in higher education)
  • Apple Distinguished Educator
  • Taylor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching
  • Taylor’s Chairman Award for Excellence
  • Certified Corporate Trainer

We provide diverse professional development opportunities that address pertinent themes in higher education, encompassing teaching, learning, and technology. Our TED CPD Programmes are accessible in formats such as interactive workshops, blended sessions, flipped learning, sharing sessions, seminars, and coaching. Additionally, we collaborate with the International Coaching Federation (Malaysia Chapter) to enhance teaching and learning. Notably, we've conducted pedagogy-related workshops at Xinyang University, China.


Whether engaging in interactive courses or blended learning, TED offers structured opportunities throughout the year for Taylor’s Lakeside lecturers to continually develop, innovate, and excel in teaching. These programmes are tailored to academic roles and identified through Teaching Engagement Scale reports, planning processes, and annual professional reviews.



Supporting New Academic Staff: Induction and University Teaching & Learning Programme


Our Induction & University Teaching and Learning Programme (IP/UTLP) is specifically designed to seamlessly integrate new full-time academic staff into Taylor’s culture. By nurturing a sense of belonging and alignment with the institution's mission and vision, we aim to ensure every new hire feels welcome and prepared.

IP/UTLP comprises two sections:

  1. Integration: Introducing academic staff to Taylor's culture, structure, and support services. It covers HR Policies for Academics, Research Engagement, University Induction, Student Success, Teaching and Learning Support, among others.
  2. University Teaching and Learning: Offering a comprehensive overview of teaching at Taylor’s, encompassing the Teaching and Learning Framework, Graduate Capabilities & Life Skills Development, Technology Integration, Diversity Management, and Academic Policies.


Support for Academics New to Teaching: Post-Graduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning


The Post-Graduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning (PGCTL), provided by the Taylor’s School of Education, is designed for newly appointed academics without relevant teaching qualifications and under two years of teaching experience. Completion within the first two years of employment is required. Other academic staff may enrol if space permits and with the support of their Head of School.




Support for Tutors & Supervisors: Post-Graduate Tutor Development Programme & Post-Graduate Supervision Training Programme


The Post-Graduate Tutor Development Programme equips tutors with crucial skills for facilitating and supporting undergraduate students under experienced lecturers' guidance.


The Post-Graduate Supervision Training Programme, catering to both new and experienced supervisors, imparts essential skills and guidelines for successful post-graduate student supervision. It covers policies, ethics, academic integrity, university support, and includes a toolkit for effective supervision, including managing student emotions, providing constructive feedback, and building strong relationships.

The Teaching Engagement Scale (TES) is a customized web-based system designed for a lecturer’s professional development through the collection of feedback from 4 key stakeholders – the self, the majority of students, superior and peer. Every cycle, the TES collects feedback on lecturer teaching engagement from more than 13,000 stakeholders across Taylor’s.
The TES is a bold, unique teaching evaluation system as it incorporates multiple views - the peer, superior and the lecturer’s self-reflection - into one comprehensive, 360º report. This multi-faceted report empowers lecturers in identifying strengths, as well as growth areas, which can be supported by further training and development.


The TES has been implemented since August 2015, and as a result, Taylor’s has recorded a year-on-year increase in the quality of teaching engagement over a short period of time, proving its effectiveness in informing and empowering action for professional development.

Interface displaying the Teaching Engagement Scale screenshot

This innovative approach to teaching feedback produces a balanced, specific and data-driven identification of strengths and areas of improvement that the teacher can use for effective professional development. When professional development is effective, it leads to higher quality teaching, which is vital for student success.


Taylor’s fosters and acknowledges excellence in teaching and learning by recognizing innovative teaching ideas from academic staff through the EMAS (Exemplary Meritorious Academic Staff) award.


EMAS provides recognition for academic staff who introduce innovative techniques, pedagogies, methods of delivery, ways of thinking about the course and/or technologies in their teaching and learning or assessment approaches, which result in significant improvements in learning outcomes.


EMAS award provides recognition to the lecturers on 5 different focus areas:

  • Immersive Learning (Face-to-Face)
  • Immersive Learning (Blended)
  • Immersive Learning (Online)
  • Alternative Assessment
  • Transformative Teaching



Mike Choong Wai Keng

Taylor's Design School


The Me.Reka Makerspace Design Thinking multidisciplinary collaboration in a Virtual Reality Learning Environment


Dr Sia Chin Chin

Taylor's Law School


Closing The Gap Through Multidisciplinary Experiential Learning among Law, Computing and Business Students in Fake News Detection in Times of COVID-19

Mark Beau de Silva

School of Liberal Arts and Sciences


Producing ‘Masak-Masak’ Theatre For An International Live Online Audience: The POV (Point Of View) Technique To Simulate Audience Interactivity

Dr Sharina Hamzah

School of Pharmacy


Microbiology Virtual Day 2021: Process and Product Performance-based Assessment within a Group Presentation

Dr. Lim Hooi Shan

School of Liberal Arts and Sciences


Crossing Cultures in Psychology’s Global Classroom


Dr. Shantini Thuraiselvam

School of Hospitality, Tourism and Events


The Use of Simulation as a Teaching and Learning Approach in Hotel Revenue Management - Yieldmax®

Dr. Raja Ahsan Aftab

School of Pharmacy


Mydispense: A virtual platform for pharmacy students




Myzatul Aishah Binti Kamarazaly

School of Architecture, Building and Design



Hardip Singh Rekhraj

School of Media and Communication


The HiLo Approach

Manickam A/P Govindaraju

School of Media and Communication


Youngriculture Campaign

Leong Wai Kit

School of Media and Communication


Mastery of Learning with “E-gage-ment”

Delicia Ng Ly-Ann

Centre for Future Learning


The ABCDE of Taming Your Dragon


M.R Naveen A/L Raman

Centre for Future Learning


Taylor’s Graduate Capabilities (TGC) Student Project

Delliya Mohd Zain & Ar Lim Wey Shan

School of Architecture, Building and Design


TU X Ply Design Charrette

Ng Wai Yee

School of Hospitality, Tourism and Events


The Zodiac Killer: Virtual Escape Room

Yow Hui Yin

School of Pharmacy


Virtual Anatomy Museum: Facilitating Student Engagement and Self-Paced Learning through an Interactive Platform


Joann Lim

School of Hospitality, Tourism and Events


Getting on Social Media for Collaborative Learning

Caryn Lim Hui Min

School of Hospitality, Tourism and Events


Hype It Up 2020 – Streetwear Fashion Competition

Nurul Alia Ahamad

School of Architecture, Building and Design


SABD First Year Experience [FYE] Project

PL Justin A/L Pathrose Lopez

School of Diploma Studies


Managing Digital Transformation: Tell your story with a video

Khine Pwint Phyu

School of Medicine


Innovative Learning Through eGame Book

Lim Yin Sear & Team

School of Medicine


e-Clerking – Futuristic Learning in Medicine




Puteri Sofia Amirnuddin, Mike Choong Wai Keng & Razif Mohamed

Taylor's Law School, Taylor's Design School


Empowering First Year Students in times of COVID-19 pandemic and in a RUPT World via Immersive C.M.M.A Learning Experience

Mike Choong Wai Keng

Taylor's Design School


Enabling Multidisciplinary Design Collaborations during Lockdown between Faculties & Industry Collaborators

AP Dr Saeed Pahlevansharif

Taylor's Business School


Finance Live Show


Dr. Tamil Salvi Mari & Dr. Sujatavani Gunasagaran

School of Architecture, Building and Design


Gaming The Goals

Dr. Filzani Illia Ibrahim

School of Architecture, Building and Design


Enriching Architecture Students Online Learning Experience Through Enhanced 5-E Framework

Dr. Ng Jeck Fei

School of Biosciences


Catering for Student Learning Needs: “Pokemon: I choose You”

Dr. Sia Chin Chin

Taylor's Law School


Pro-Bono Virtual Legal Clinic for Communities affected by COVID-19

Mark Beau De Silva

School of Liberal Arts and Sciences


Video Monologues – Adapting Practical Skills Training Online via Drama Techniques

Serit Anak Banyan, Nur Ainif Omar, Siti Noor Amyah Khasbullah & Fadhilah Raihan Lokman

School of Liberal Arts and Sciences


Bringing Real World Experience Through Project Based Learning for Hubungan Etnik


Dr. Sucharita Srirangam

School of Architecture, Building and Design


Architectural Design V: The Typologies of Design Thinking Embedded into the Studio Pedagogy

Janaki Ragawan

School of Liberal Arts and Sciences


Teaching French Online During Pandemic

Dr. Wong Yau Hsiung

School of Liberal Arts and Sciences


Immersive Learning Totally Online: The New Normal and Emerging Digital Technologies

Dr. Prabal Bhargava

School of Medicine


eye-Posters: e-Assignments Leveraging as an Augmented Alternative

Ivy Chen Hoi Yhin

School of Media and Communication


Best Practices in Alternative Assessment: Use of Facebook Group and Personalised Consultation Video Collaboration




  • Publish book - Transforming Curriculum Through Teacher-Learner Partnerships (IGI Global) - SCOPUS indexed.


  • IUCEL (International University Carnival for e-Learning) 2019 IIDEL – Gold Lim Chee Leong & Nurhanim Hassan, Centre for Future Learning (Sustaining Academic Excellence with Micro-Credentials and Digital Badges)
  • Publish book - Preparing 21st Century Teachers for Teach Less, Learn More (TLLM) Pedagogies (IGI Global) 


  • Publish book - Preparing the Next Generation of Teachers for 21st Century Education (IGI Global) – SCOPUS indexed.