Through a reciprocal agreement between Taylor’s University and partner universities abroad, students are able to pursue one semester in the host institution.


Students from any of our partner universities are eligible to study at Taylor’s University through an exchange programme. The application and selection process for the exchange programme is run entirely by students’ home universities, thus prospective students should apply through their institution’s International Office in charge of the student exchange and study abroad programmes.



How Long?

One semester to one year.


How to Validate?

Exchange students will usually earn credit for grades obtained at Taylor’s University.


How Much?

Exchange students will be paying their tuition to their home university. Tuition fee applies for student that opt for study abroad programme at Taylor’s University.


April Intake

Nomination deadline: October 30 of the preceding year. Document submission deadline: November 30 of the preceding year.

September Intake

Nomination deadline: March 30 of the same year. Document submission deadline: April 30 of the same year.



Students must have completed at least one year of undergraduate studies in order to be eligible for the exchange programme.


Medium of Instruction?

All classes in Taylor’s University are taught in English. Students will be studying alongside regular Taylor’s University students.


Activities and Support Services?

International Student Services offer a range of support services for all our international students including the exchange students.

You may also find out more information on the support available from here. The following are the list of info packs to download. 

Application Form


For Student Pass and Visa Self Application

Health Declaration Form (EMGS)

Info Pack for Student Exchange

Module Guide 2024

Post-Arrival Health Examination Report

Taylor's University Module Registration Form

Click here to check if your university is one of our exchange partners. 


Block A, Level 2
No. 1, Jalan Taylor’s
47500 Subang Jaya
Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia