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The 5 Master's Programmes You Need to Know About

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27 Jan 2022

5 Min Read

Ailyn Low (Editor)


Overwhelmed over the different Master’s programmes? We narrowed down 5 options based on your interest.

Pursuing a Master’s Degree does more than act as a stepping stone in your climb up the career ladder and pay scale. It helps you to upskill, reskill, and become an expert in the field you’re interested in. But with the number of Master’s programmes available that can help you in your professional and personal life, what should you even venture into?


Here are 5 different Master’s programmes that you can consider based on your interest as well as up-and-coming and evergreen industries.

Interest: Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and Technology

A Machine Learning Programmer analysing the data of the machine through a tablet.

Being in the 4th Industrial Revolution and preparing for the 5th, artificial intelligence and data science is one of the leading areas for companies to venture into. Because it’s needed for companies to excel in the present and future, regardless of the industry, expertise on this specialisation is definitely a versatile skill of the century that's in demand by employers


While many were affected by the pandemic, a Master of Applied Computing would open up opportunities into different industries and futurepoof your career as business are forced to move into the digital arena.


Looking to apply for work overseas? According to LinkedIn, tech talents are one of the sought after positions by employers globally. So, if you’re interested in technology or you’re looking to venture into a new and lucrative field, consider pursuing this Master’s Degree.

Want to take a Master of Applied Computing but worried that your lack of foundation in it might affect your entrance? Ask our counsellors what's the necessities today!

Interest: Entrepreneurship, Consultancy, Management

A team of business students brainstorming and writing ideas on a glass wall with sticky notes for a presentation.

If you’re a fresh grad looking to kickstart your career in management, then consider a Master of Management. This programme provides gives you the added advantage as it equips you with the needed conceptual, human, and technical skills useful when finding highly in-demand jobs related to management.


Alternatively, if you’ve gained working experience and are looking to upskill or learn something new, a Master of Business Administration may be more suited for you. While both do have similar aspects and train you to build your leadership skills as well as grow your personal development, a Master of Management aims to provide more technical knowledge useful when you first start your career.


Master of Management is also useful if you’re looking to start your entrepreneurship journey as it’ll teach you the proper management skills useful when starting a business. On the flipside, a Master of Business Administration provides more work-related challenges faced by businesses. Here’s where your work experience would help during in-class discussion and when coming up with solutions.

Whichever Master’s programme you choose to enter, you’ll be able to prepare and give yourself the edge against others as you’ll be connected with different industry partners that’ll provide you the relevant feedback and guidance.

Interest: Teaching Others, Philosophy, Making a Difference

A Master's student tutoring a class of university student.

“Education's the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” – Nelson Mandela.


Got a passion for making a change in society and our future? Then a Master of Teaching and Learning allows you to get a headstart in making bigger changes in the education industry.


As an educator, pursuing a Master’s Degree would help you grow in confidence and knowledge in the classroom as the programme helps to further develop your core pedagogical knowledge and learning area through reflective practice courses.


Thinking of moving out of the teaching scene? Perhaps you’re looking into non-government sectors or making a change in the current curriculum design? Having a Master’s Degree in this programme opens doors of opportunities that can prepare you to transition into different sectors of the industry whether as training, administrative, or development professionals. So get started with a Master of Teaching and Learning to be equipped for one of the most in-demand jobs this year.

Despite the pressure of the pandemic on educators, many are still underpaid due to their level of education. A Master of Teaching and Learning can solve that problem.

Interest: Communication, Creating Content, Media and Social Media

A producer looking through a screen of a live telecast

Are you often amazed by how effective communication can be used to send your message to multiple audience? The questions now is, how do we cope with the constant ways communication change as technology evolves? 


Through a Master of Communication, you’ll be able to keep up-to-date and become an expert in your specialised communication area. Balancing between theory and practical, this Master’s Degree can help you develop your skills in managing processes, engaging in different media, and analyse complex information in a constantly changing work environment. With the invaluable skills gained from this programme, you’d be able to prepare for the different sought-after jobs under its umbrella.


Whether you’re looking at reinventing your career pathway and starting afresh or simply wish to try something new, a Master’s Degree could be an avenue to get you started regardless of the industry.


All you have to do is take the first step in identifying what suits you best and look out for the different programmes that you can benefit from the most! But the question is, are you ready for change?

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